Saturday, July 4, 2009

Update on Lexie.....

Wow time flies by! I can't believe Lexie has been with us for 3 1/2 months and home for 3 months. She is an amazing little girl. She is always so happy and funny. She had a wonderful time on our farm weekend trip the end of May with 5 other families. She loved playing with all the kids and enjoyed all the animals. Especially the bunnies! She would hold them and pet them and ask us to take them home. Of course her brother joined in on that as he has been asking for a bunny now for awhile. I still haven't given in yet! She went to the beach for the first time Memorial Day weekend on Cape Cod. She was so happy sitting on her beach blanket playing with her bubbles and the sand. She didn't want to walk on the sand so we had to carry her down to the water. She really wanted to spend the day on her blanket, playing happy as can be. She loves the beach and the sand and had a great time at Cape Cod at Gaga and Papa's house. She has been back to the Cape now many times. Yesterday was a huge day for her at the beach as she decided she would run around in the sand and water and not have to be carried! She absolutely loved it. All night she kept asking when we were going back to the beach. Well hopefully the nice weather continues and we can go everyday for the next week at the Cape.

Lexie loves stickers and Dora! We call her the sticker girl. I always have packs of stickers in my bag. Her favorite thing to do is cover herself and anyone around her in stickers. It's very funny. She really loves Dora these days. She has lots of Dora stickers and coloring books and always gravitates to them. She needed a backpack for camp and school so of course she picked Dora out. As soon as the backpack came she had to put it on. She wears it around the house everyday. The funny thing is as soon as she learned of Dora (this was in China as I had bought Mandarin speaking Dora DVD's) she started wearing her bitty babies front packs as a backpack around the house. Everyday she would put the pack on. It was very cute!

Lexie's English is amazing now. She understands everything we say to her (which actually has been this way after only being with us for a few weeks) and now speaks majority English. Sometimes there's a little combination of Mandarin and English but not too much. She still loves to sing in Mandarin as well as English. She is an amazing eater. I still haven't come across any foods that she hasn't liked. She is such a girly, girl and loves to play with all her dolls and loves clothes and shoes. She loves to be outside playing with her big brother Cole who she thinks the world of. Cole continues to be so great with Lexie, very nurturing and caring towards her.

In a few weeks she will start camp at her preschool just for 3 days/week 3 hours a day. This way she will be very comfortable with the space once school begins in September. She has already visited the school and was very excited to know that Cole went to school there and now it is "Lexie's school".

We will be spending a lot of the summer on the Cape as well as a few side trips to Storyland and Nantucket so she will be able to continue to enjoy the beach!

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