Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We've been home for 3 weeks....

I know so many of you have been asking me to keep updating the blog so here goes! I will try to every few weeks now that we are home with Lexie. I can't believe we have been home 3 weeks. It feels like Lexie has been with us forever! Lexie is doing fantastic. We can't believe how well. She is such a happy girl and VERY attached to us. Especially Beth. She loves her BaBa (chinese for Daddy) and brother Cole very much. She has a stubborn side to her and let's you know if she is not getting her way. There are certain things she sometimes tries to play with (especially pieces to some of Cole's intricate lego sets) and Cole doesn't want her to and he will take it away from her. She pouts a little then if he tries to see something she is playing with she has a big grin on her face and won't show him. She's probably thinking "huh bet you wanna see this!" They have a lot of fun playing together and get along very well. Now Cole keeps asking if we can get a baby brother! Nice try kid....
She is an amazing eater which is so much fun. Whatever you give her she eats. We haven't found anything she doesn't like yet. Cole on the other hand is a picky and plain eater so this has been a lot of fun for us. Cole is now willing to try more new things since he sees Lexie eating anything and everything we give her.
She has had so much fun meeting all her new family members and friends. We've enrolled her in some activities that she does with one of us and she is enjoying them. She is a very social little girl. She has adjusted so well we still can't believe how easy it has been. She had a wonderful time at Cape Cod visiting with her Grandparents and Aunt. Glad that went well since we spend a lot of time there. She understands most of what we say even though she speaks fluent Mandarin. She has learned a handful of English words so far and keeps adding more everyday. She tells long stories in Mandarin and boy do we wish we knew what she was saying! A lot of things she tells us she then shows us so we understand what she is saying.
I will try to post some photos soon.

1 comment:

Debberoo said...

Oh I'm so glad your going to keep posting, thank you! I'm thrilled for you that the transition, for ALL of you, has been so smooth.

Maybe you could video some of those longs stories in Mandarin and then at some point have someone listen to them and translate, it would be so much fun to know what she is saying.

Do you have and Mandarin classes that Lexie could go to? It would be so wonderful if she could retain some or build on the Mandarin she has.